Discover The Truth of Who you are in The Akashic Records
Your Soul has been around a long time…
And it has quite a story to tell
Your story – the story of your soul’s existence – is written in the Akashic Records, a ‘database’ that tells you where your soul originated, where it’s spent time, what training it’s received, and what lessons you have learned in your many incarnations – and what lessons you’re meant to learn in this one.

Think of the Akashic Records as a detailed blueprint of the makeup of you
If you’ve never heard of an Akashic Records reading, think of it like an Astrology reading at the Soul level. For example, your soul’s origin – like a Sun sign – gives you specific tendencies, strengths and challenges.
In your reading, you will learn about your soul’s journey so you can understand the recurring patterns in your life, rediscover your strengths and lessons-to-learn, and come to a deeper understanding of yourself.
This is the ultimate source of information about what makes you you. Your gifts, your past, your purpose. And, an Akashic Records reading has an uncanny ability to explain the things you’ve always felt were ‘off’ or ‘odd’ about yourself and how you relate to other people and the world. If you’ve ever felt like you don’t quite fit in, you’re probably right, and the Akashic Records can tell you why.

“I recently had an Akashic Records reading with Alex, and it was an incredibly insightful experience. Alex was very thorough and detailed in his approach, and his intuition was impressive. Even when I was unsure of what I needed to hear, he seemed to know what my soul required. The reading provided me with excellent guidance to continue my journey and deepen my connection to aspects of myself that are ready to grow and be expressed in new ways. I’m so grateful that I followed my intuition and booked a session with Alex. If you’ve ever been curious about Akashic Readings, I highly recommend that you book a session with Alex. Your soul will thank you!”
Betty Lozinski

The Akashic Records can give you insights into your life purpose and lessons through exploring your:

Energy Center of Training
The realm in which your soul was ‘trained’ initially, where your Soul becomes a specialist in bringing a particular energy into the physical plane. It’s part of your Soul’s identity.

Soul Group of Origin
The very first place of your soul’s incarnation – think of it as your ‘native culture.’ You will bring these traits with you through every incarnation.

Life Lessons
You chose your curriculum of ‘life lessons’ (more like energetic qualities or themes you explore) long before you were born. Knowing which lessons you’re learning helps to understand why you attract certain people, situations and experiences into your life.

Soul Trainings
Think of this as “summer school” where you pick up additional skills and lessons, or take on a ‘summer job’ in between the regular school year. The skills we learn in these in-between incarnations times can shape our interests, gifts and values.

Intuitive Gifts
This covers how your Spirit Guides and Higher Self communicate with you, and how you relate to others on a spiritual level.

Your ‘Archetypes’ are soul gifts you have and can help clarify your soul’s strengths and purpose.

Past Lives on Earth
This isn’t an in-depth past lives reading, but an overview of how many lives you’ve had on Earth, which periods of history and which places you’ve spent the most time in, along with the roles you’ve taken on.

The Spiritual Energies Around You
How many Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels you have around you, and any divine beings (Archangels and Ascended Masters), and what their presence might mean for you.

“Alex did an Akashic soul reading for me and I can only say, I’m thrilled! Very detailed, a lot of information, well summarised, easy to understand. This is what I was after for quite some time. It all resonates with me and it helps me understand why I’m doing what I’m doing. Few things were a huge surprise and I asked myself, can this be true? Nobody will be able to prove this, but deep inside I don’t need proof. Thank you, Alex, your work is amazing and much appreciated!”
Kathrin Schünemann
“I recently had an Akashic Record reading for the first time, and I highly recommend it. It provided me with clarity about my internal programming, confirmed things about myself that I never understood, and shed light on my soul training and purpose. The reading accurately revealed my past life roles, archetype, and intuitive gifts of claircognizance and the 2nd Godspark. It was a powerful experience that I shared with my husband, who was equally impressed with its accuracy.”
Choose your option
Email Akashic Soul Profile Reading
– Email only –
$349 USD
The Email-Only Akashic Records Report includes…
- A 17-26 page (size 12 font) email reading. Like an astrology birth chart, these are research-intensive and full of information that will give you insight into who you are and what you’re doing here.
- You’ll receive your report in your inbox within 2 weeks.
What to expect:
Within two weeks after payment, you’ll find a detailed email Akashic Soul Profile sent to you via email. If you’d like to ask follow-up questions, or go deeper into your soul records please see the next option.
Get Your Email-Only Akashic Soul Reading:
Akashic Soul Profile Zoom Reading
Zoom Reading
$449 USD
The Reading includes…
- A one hour and 15 minute Zoom/phone session where I will go over your Akashic Soul report with you and answer any questions you have
What to expect:
Alex offers sessions continuously, based on his availability. Currently, all sessions are conducted online via Zoom conferencing or phone. To receive notifications about session openings, kindly email to get on the waitlist.
“Alex’s Akashic Records Readings are essential guidebooks for the soul. In co-creation with spirit, Alex is able to provide a wealth of content that helps clients instantly connect to their light. His readings are beautifully packaged in an easy to comprehend digital format (which includes both oral and written word), and provide clients with an in-depth roadmap to their earthly and spiritual journey. I highly recommend his services!”
Abby M
Not sure which to choose?
The email-only Akashic Soul Profile option is very thorough and you may find it’s enough information.
But, if you’d like the chance to ask for more details on sections of special interest, like your soul group of origin or life lessons, the Zoom call review allows us to dive deeper together.
“I loved the Akashic Record Reading! The sections were well-organized, detailed and easy to follow. It helped me discover new aspects of myself and confirmed my intuitive feelings. This will be something that I reference back to again and again as I go throughout my healing. Thank you Alex!”
Andrew Deslover
What information do you need from me to do an Akashic Records reading?
I will need your:
- Date of birth
- Location of birth
- Your birth name
- Your current name
- A recent photo of you (taken in the last 2-3 years)
All information is kept private and secure. For more information see our privacy policy.
Who can access the Akashic Records? And how?
The Akashic Records exist on the spiritual plane (sorry, Google searches won’t work!). Trained intuitives, with the help of Spirit Guides, can access the Akashic Records (and so can you with practice and research). But most people find it helpful just to know where they come from, how long they’ve been on Earth, where else they’ve spent time, and what lessons from the past affect them now.
How this works is a much larger question. It’s a combination of channeling information through my guides, dousing, and following a set of charts. It’s a structured, replicable system that asks specific questions about your purpose, origin, training, lessons, and roles in other lifetimes. Everyone has access to the Akashic Records, but like Astrology, it does take training and practice to master.
I’ve already had an Akashic Records reading – will yours be different?
Probably not. In fact, I recommend against having a second Akashic Records reading because all you need is one! It’s like a natal chart for Astrology. The information doesn’t change. In fact, if you do get multiple Akashic Records readings, you’ll likely find that you get the same information, or that the second reading gives you ‘secondary information’ that isn’t as relevant as your first reading.
What if I don’t believe in Archangels/Starseeds/Other-Planet-Origins etc.?
Akashic Records are woo-woo to the max – I get it. As with anything, you don’t need to believe all of it to get value. If you have an open mind, you’ll at least find an Akashic Records reading interesting. If you’re willing, an Akashic Records reading can be powerfully affirming, and even life-changing. All that’s needed is an open mind and willingness to explore your soul.
What is your cancellation and refund policy for the readings?
Akashic Records readings take a lot of time and research to put together – you’ll see that my reports are very thorough. For this reason, I do not offer refunds once you’ve received your PDF. You may cancel before the work begins for a full refund (but I do these with a 2-business day turnaround time, so cancel fast if you’re going to).

Ready to take the next step?
“Alex did a very detailed Akashic Record Reading for me. It truly verified and confirmed so many things in my life that I resonate with. He helped me understand my soul purpose and path more than ever. My spiritual knowledge has expanded since I received my Amazing reading from Alex! I highly recommend his Akashic Record reading and Alex in general for his lovely soul and spirit. Thank you Alex.”